Goodyear Events
The entry below is a synopsis of our speakers talk on 13th November 2024.
A very interesting presentation this week by Mr Jim Temple entitled "Goodyear Events ".
Jim started with a brief prologue about his working experiences when he was asked to go to the head office in Akron Ohio USA to give a talk to the senior staff about how things were working in the UK.
Jim had 9 short film clips all about the Goodyear its development in Blimps also its ups and downs were shown.
The first balloon with a hanging basket which had very little direction control (you went were the wind took you and had to rise or descend to allow the direction you wanted), up to the giants of today which have propellers and fins at the rear. Jim said that even now any large sports event would have a blimp airship to cover the media coverage as standard.
Questions followed to conclude another excellent presentation and a very good morning for all our members who thoroughly enjoyed every moment.
For further information Click on the link goodyear blimp
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